The Keys of Knowlege 1998 - 2010

Joseph J. Dewey


The Gathering of Lights #39

2000-11-7 12:06:00

Chapter 39 - The Benefits Of Gathering

Objection Two:

"The Gathering is to be on subjective levels only. Israelites can link up mentally, or through the Spirit, and this will be sufficient to eventually bring the kingdom of God on the earth. Gathering is escapism and separative."

To many it will seem that the gathering is indeed escapism and separative, and it may be true that some who will gather may be tainted with these errors. On the other hand, I find from experience that those who are the first to make such an accusation are the ones with their heads hid deepest in the sand themselves.

Building communities after the order of the New Age will take a great effort in the real world, not to mention the superhuman effort involved to make the gathering process successful. This is a galaxy removed from the mere presentation of spiritual theories and teachings, which require no physical materialization to keep the audience interested. To create a gathering of lights requires a people who are able to manipulate matter in all three worlds of human endeavor - mental, emotional, and physical.

Even so, the criticism of separateness is a valid objection that needs an answer. Group efforts working in a physically scattered condition are also in danger of this transgression. Individuals who believe they are in the most subjective groups on earth can be as guilty of this feeling of specialness as the close knit religious extremists. The heresy of separateness must be dealt with by all groups and individuals whether scattered or gathered, and the danger is especially perilous when successful physical results are manifest

Separateness is the "root sin." From it springs every physical evil that confronts mankind. It lays the foundation to the great illusion that we are all isolated entities and therefore breeds individual and group selfishness. This selfishness caused by separateness is very apparent in almost all individuals.

Unnoticed by most, there is also group selfishness. To become aware of this sin one must examine a group as if it were an individual entity, or correspond it to a human being.

Let us take a church, for instance, that believes that it alone has all the truths of God and all others are founded by the devil. That is comparable to an individual standing before a group of other humans and declaring that he only has authority from God and all others are created and led by the devil. God looks upon him as his special son and even the good that others appear to do is from the evil one.

Most groups believe that they are special and that their program is much better than any other. They refuse to cooperate with other groups. If anyone is to compromise it must be the other group who is to submit. To submit in the group's eyes would be to destroy their ideal, the object of their pride.

An individual who acts in this manner is a selfish brat who must have his own way or he will not play.

Some reflection should reveal that groups are more separative and selfish as a whole, than individuals. This is because they are made up of individuals and the group life must wait for the progression of the average individual lives before it can advance itself.

Separateness is settled in with humanity whether we are working individually or collectively and will not go away by ignoring it. It must be prepared for, faced, and dealt with. The strongest weapons against it are enlightenment and inclusive love blended with power.

As participants in the gathering we will find separateness to be a formidable foe, but do we run from the battle because an enemy is in the path? If we did so there would never be a battle and the Lights could not take joy in the victory.

When the pilgrims came to America they were not completely innocent of separateness and pride, but they did not suffer with it half as much as the persecutors they left behind.

When the thirteen states were created they too suffered with pride of accomplishment and a feeling of specialness, but their sin was not as great as the royalists who would rather see a brother die than deny the crown.

As the thirteen states joined to form the United States they too were endowed with the special feeling and they collectively felt some separateness from other nations. On the other hand they were also the most inclusive country of the age. All peoples were invited to immigrate, and trade and compromise reached new heights.

Was it worth the pangs of separateness suffered to create an ensign to the nations? History records the answer.

Is it worth it to take the risk again?

I believe it is.

If we were trying to establish the one true religion, or the best of all possible political worlds, or the greatest country in the universe - if these were our keywords, then the perils of separatism would be too great.

These, however, are not our watchwords. Our mission instead is to take group life on a quantum leap into evolution and pave the way for all of our brethren to follow. To obtain the critical mass necessary there must be a literal gathering of radioactive entities.

As Zion is created the sin of separateness should be consistently examined and infractions must be pointed out through the teaching process or we will not have the Zion consciousness.

A benefit that Zion will have in this matter is that she will be composed of some of the most inclusive persons on the planet.

Escapism is the other side of this objection. In considering this we must remember that not all escapism is bad. For instance, prisoners of war who try again and again to escape to further serve their families and countries are looked upon with great respect; whereas those who sit down and give into the enemy receive no honor.

Escape from an unfair prison into greater freedom for service is never evil. We are dealing with an emotional objection here.

However, the word "escapism" is usually associated with some illusion or dream world that does not exist. Those who gather will be practical people, not impractical dreamers with their heads in the clouds. They will be dreamers, however, but dreamers who realistically work to make them come true.

The final part of this objection we will deal with here is the belief that the kingdom of God can come by working within the system and gradually changing it for the better until the kingdoms of the world become the kingdom of God.

There is a certain amount of truth in this. Wherever we live we must always work to improve our country and communities. Such changes in the establishment generally progress at glacier speed. Quantum changes for the better are almost non existent because of the fear of change that exists among the masses.

Let us suppose, for instance that a politician had an idea that would improve security for all Americans, but it involved he elimination of the social security system. There would be absolute panic among the people and the innovator would be chased out of office.

On the other hand, let us suppose that this same innovator was working with a gathered people who were willing to create a new foundation with no preconceived ideas. In this case this initiate may have a chance at creating change. Then if the launching is successful a working example is set and it would be likely that other nations would now consider the idea.

The Christ, the highest of all, recognized by religionists and esoterists alike strongly refuted this objection in many of his teachings. Among the most pointed was:

"No man putteth a piece of new cloth unto an old garment, for that which is put in to fill it up taketh from the garment, and the rent is made worse. Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved." (Matthew  9:16-17)

If we try and take the old systems and patch them up to create the kingdom of God they will be broken and destroyed. This is not the way of social evolution. All new species of social systems are ALWAYS created by putting new wine (the new order) in new bottles (a new form). There has been no exception in written history. Why do the idealists believe there will be one now?

Humanity always becomes attached to the system as it is and desires change without loss of form. It is here where divine detachment is necessary to govern the life of the seeker. Are we truly free from worshipping the image in the vision of Daniel? Zion will test the truth of that detachment.

Until the new form is prepared, the brothers and sisters of light can act as leaven and set the sights of enlightened humanity toward the new horizon. Without the leaven and the many years of preparation there would be no spirit of life to enter the new form and it could never be self sustaining. Some disciples have mistaken this preparation period for the actual building of the kingdom. The preparation and the building are both essential steps, but they are separate ones. Unfortunately, there will be those who will be endlessly pursuing the preparation step when the time has come to build. Such is the nature of diversity among human beings.

Some enlightened ones are justifiably against the formation of groups patterned after the old authoritarian order with creeds and dogmas and devotion to leaders. These will add to the sin of separateness, even if they attempt to teach numerous New Age truths.

Zion is not a movement with creeds and dogmas and dictatorial leaders, but is a gathering of the pure in heart which will produce better living conditions and higher spiritual quality of life.

Is one normally criticized for moving from one city to another to better himself, or for building a new home to improve his condition? It is no greater sin to desire to gather with like minds and participate in building the kingdom of God. In fact it is not a sin at all and we should not have to defend ourselves to rational people on this point.

There are many other reasons for building a united community by the gathering process. An important fact is that it creates a center for security and becomes a place of refuge in a calamity.

Let us suppose for instance that there was an economic collapse and all regular shipping lines ceased to function. What would happen in a regular urban community? In a matter of days one's worst enemy would be his neighbor, but not so in Zion. Zion will have a cooperative society that will be their brother's keeper.

There will be great economic security, as will be discussed in future writings.

There will be major benefits in education, for the most effective techniques will be available. Intelligent people gathered together will indeed stimulate the learning of all.

There will be benefits in creative endeavor as yet unrealized.

There will be benefits of fellowship. One will not have to search far and wide to find like-minded friends.

Zion will have the healthiest people on the planet, not only because of good physical environment and minimal pollution, but the emotional and mental conditions will prove to be as great of a boon to health as good nutrition and clean air.

It will be a good place to raise children. They will have the benefit of focusing their attention on peace and being influenced by a benevolent group, and minimal selfishness among their friends.

Original on Joseph J. Dewey' website