Law of Brotherhood

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Below are all of the known references to The Law of Brotherhood in the writings of Alice A. Bailey (AAB) and Djwhal Khul (DK). Links on these pages of the Laws of Alice A. Bailey are to the online books at the Lucis Trust website.

For a discussion of what AAB means by a “law” please see  Alice A. Bailey – What is a Law?

Secondly, the etheric body is composed of force currents, and in it are vital centers linked by lines of force with each other and with the nervous system of the physical man. Through these lines of force, it is connected also with the etheric body of the environing system. Note that in this lies the basis for a belief in immortality, for the law of brotherhood or unity and for astrological truth.

A Treatise on White Magic , HINDRANCES TO OCCULT STUDY

When the war broke and the entire world was hurled into the consequent chaos, horror, disaster, death and agony, many spiritually minded people were anxious to stay aloof from the struggle. They were not the majority but a powerful and noisy minority. They regarded any attitude of partisanship as an infringement of the law of brotherhood and were willing to sacrifice the good of the whole of humanity to a sentimental urge to love all men in a manner which necessitated their taking no action or decision of any kind.

Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. I , SECTION FOUR – SUMMARY OF THE TIBETAN’S WORK (1919-1943)

The third basic law underlying the solution of our modern problems, including that of sex, grows normally out of the other two laws. It is the Law of Group Life. Our group relations must be seen and acknowledged. Not only must a man fulfill in love his family and national obligations, but he must think in the wider terms of humanity itself, and so bring the Law of Brotherhood into expression. Brotherhood is a group quality.

Esoteric Psychology – Volume I , 3. The Animal Kingdom – Part 3

Every nation has its selfish, aggressive people, who believe that might is right and that men must be governed by the law of the jungle, taking what they want, no matter at what cost to others. Every nation has those within its borders who see the vision of right human relations, who seek to live by the law of brotherhood, who respond to the influence of the Forces of Light and of the spiritual Hierarchy, and who desire peace, kindness and goodwill to rule world affairs and control the policies of the governments.

The Externalisation Of The Hierarchy , SECTION TWO – THE GENERAL WORLD PICTURE – Part 7

When the war broke and the entire world was hurled into the consequent chaos, horror, disaster, death and agony, many spiritually minded people were anxious to stay aloof from the struggle. They were not the majority but a powerful and noisy minority. They regarded any attitude of partisanship as an infringement of the law of brotherhood and were willing to sacrifice the good of the whole of humanity to a sentimental urge to love all men in a manner which necessitated their taking no action or decision of any kind. Instead of “my country, right or wrong,” it was “humanity, right or wrong.”

The Unfinished Autobiography , MY WORK

Alice A. Bailey’s definition of a “law”:

It should be remembered that a law is but the effect of the continued intelligent activity of the Life aspect as it works in conjunction with matter. -AAB, Esoteric Psychology – Volume I

You are welcome to post your comments and understanding of this law. 

Also see:

The Laws of Alice A. Bailey

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