Law of Synthesis

Law of Synthesis

Below are all of the known references to the Law of Synthesis in the writings of Alice A. Bailey (AAB) and Djwhal Khul (DK). Links on these pages of the Laws of Alice A. Bailey are to the online books at the Lucis Trust website.

For a discussion of what AAB means by a “law” please see  Alice A. Bailey – What is a Law?

 This is definitely and deliberately so, and is due to the underlying purpose and choice of the solar Logos, Who seeks on His high level (just as do His reflections, the sons of men) to achieve a more rounded out development, and He therefore concentrates on the development of cosmic love in this greater cycle. This ray is governed by the Law of Synthesis, and is the basis of the systemic movement which may be best described as that of driving forward through space, or forward progression. Little can be predicated anent this ray and its expression. 

 Finally there is the Monadic Flame Divine. This embodies the highest vibration of which the Monad is capable, is governed by the Law of Synthesis, and is the cause of the forward progressive movement of the evolving Jiva. We now come, in due course, to the point of merging or to the end of manifestation, and to the consummation (viewing it monadically) of the great cycle or manvantara. 

 The working of the flame divine under the Law of Synthesis—a generic term which will be seen eventually to include the other two laws as subdivisions.  

 The difficulty lies in the inability of the finite mind to grasp the significance of this threefold manifestation, but by thoughtful brooding over the Personality and its relation to the Ego, who is the love aspect and who nevertheless in relation to manifestation in the three worlds is the will aspect likewise, will come some faint light upon the same problems raised to Deity, or expanded from microcosmic to macrocosmic spheres. The Mahadeva aspect or the first Logos (who embodies cosmic will) is controlled by the Law of Synthesis, the cosmic law governing the tendency to unification; only in this case, it is not the unification of matter and Spirit, but the unification of the seven into the three, and into the one. These three figures primarily stand for Spirit, for quality, for principle, and not so primarily for matter, although matter, being inspired by spirit, conforms. 

 These three figures primarily stand for Spirit, for quality, for principle, and not so primarily for matter, although matter, being inspired by spirit, conforms. The Law of Synthesis has a direct connection with One Who is still higher than our Logos, and is the law of control exercised by Him upon the Logos of our system. This is a spiritual relationship that tends to abstraction or to that synthesis of the spiritual elements that will result in their conscious return (the whole point lying in that word “conscious”) to their cosmic point of synthesis, or of unification with their source. 

 Second, Increased the vibration of matter itself by means of its own energy, so that matter at the moment of pralaya and obscuration will have two main characteristics,—activity, the result of the Law of Economy, and a dual magnetism which will be the result of the Law of Attraction. All of these three concepts are governed by the Law of Synthesis, which is the law of a coherent will-to-be, persisting not only in time and space, but within a still vaster cycle. These preliminary statements have been laid down in an endeavour to show the synthesis of the whole. 

 Sight—The recognition of totality, the synthesis of all, the realisation of the One in Many, the first Logos. The Law of Synthesis, operating between all forms which the self occupies, and the recognition of the essential unity of all manifestation by the means of sight. As regards taste and smell, we might call them minor senses, for they are closely allied to the important sense of touch. 

 This leads to a condition of mutual repulsion and attraction between the one who apprehends and that which is apprehended. Having apprehended and then contacted his eyes are opened and he recognises his place in the whole order under the Law of Synthesis. Hearing Unity Touch Duality Sight Triplicity. 

 It blends with the All-Self. This is under the Law of Synthesis. If this is borne in mind it leads to a realisation that the separation of the Spirit from the material vehicle involves two aspects of the One great All; herein is seen the work of the Creator, the Preserver and the Destroyer. 

 This law of attraction is the law governing the Spirit, the opposite pole of matter. The first Aspect, or the will to exist, is governed by the Law of Synthesis, and the activities of the cosmic entities who are its embodiments are governed by the law of enforced unity, and of essential homogeneity. It is the law that eventually comes into play after spirit and matter are blending, and adapting themselves each to each; it governs the eventual synthesis of Self with Self, and finally with the All-Self, and also of essence with essence in contra-distinction to the synthesis of matter and Spirit. 

 It led to a sevenfold differentiation in the matter of the system. Just as the Law of Attraction led to the sevenfold psychic differentiation of the Sons of Mind, and the Law of Synthesis results in the sevenfold perfection of the same Manasaputras, so we have an interesting connection between The seven planes, or the seven grades of matter. The seven Heavenly Men, the seven Divine Manasaputras, or the seven types of wisdom-love. 

 An atom is governed by the Law of Economy, is coming slowly under the Law of Attraction, and will eventually come under the Law of Synthesis.  

 A man is governed by the Law of Attraction, is evolved through the Law of Economy, and is coming under the Law of Synthesis. Economy governs the material process with which he is not so much consciously concerned; attraction governs his connection with other units or groups, and synthesis is the law of his inner Self, of the life within the form. 

 A Heavenly Man is governed by the Law of Attraction, has transcended the Law of Economy, and is rapidly coming under the Law of Synthesis. Note therefore the gradual stepping-up of the control and the fact that: First. 

 The Law of Attraction is coming into control of the atom. The Law of Synthesis is but slightly felt by the life of the atom. It is the law of life. 

 It governs the matter of his vehicles. The Law of Synthesis is steadily beginning to be felt. Third. 

 Third. The Law of Synthesis is the primary law of a Heavenly Man. The Law of Attraction has full sway. 

 The Law of Attraction governs the material process of form building. The Law of Synthesis is the law of His Being.  

 The solar Logos is governed by the Law of Synthesis. He holds all in synthetic unity or homogeneity. 

 Three Cosmic Laws. The first of the cosmic laws is the Law of Synthesis. It is almost impossible for those of us who have not the buddhic faculty in any way developed, to comprehend the scope of this law. 

 In these laws we again have the threefold idea demonstrated, and the correspondence, as might be expected, holds good. The Law of Synthesis The Will Aspect 1st Aspect. The Law of Attraction The Love Aspect 2nd Aspect. 

 We need always to remember in discussing these abstract fundamentals that words but dim the meaning, and serve but as suggestions and not as elucidations. In manifestation the cosmic Law of Attraction controls all these subsidiary laws, just as the Law of Synthesis governs pralaya and obscuration, and the law of Economy deals with the general working out, along the line of least resistance, of the logoic scheme. During manifestation we have most to do with the Law of Attraction, and it will be found, on study, that each subsidiary law is but a differentiation of that law. 

 ) The Nature of Pralaya. We can view pralaya as the work of “abstraction,” and as the method which brings the form under the Destroyer aspect of Spirit, working ever under the Law of Attraction, of which the Law of Synthesis is but a branch. The basic law of the system is that which governs the relation of all atoms to the aggregate of atoms, and of the Self to the Not-self. 

 It might strictly be called the Law of Adjustment or of Balance, for it conditions that aspect of electrical phenomena which we call neutral. The Law of Economy is the basic law of one pole, that of the negative aspect; the Law of Synthesis is the basic law of the positive pole, but the Law of Attraction is the law for the fire which is produced by the merging during evolution of the two poles. From the standpoint of the human being, it is that which brings about the realisation of self-consciousness; from the point of view of the subhuman beings it is that which draws all forms of life on to self-realisation; whilst in connection with the superhuman aspect it may be stated that this law of life expands into the processes conditioned by the higher law of Synthesis, of which the Law of Attraction is but a subsidiary branch. 

 The Law of Economy is the basic law of one pole, that of the negative aspect; the Law of Synthesis is the basic law of the positive pole, but the Law of Attraction is the law for the fire which is produced by the merging during evolution of the two poles. From the standpoint of the human being, it is that which brings about the realisation of self-consciousness; from the point of view of the subhuman beings it is that which draws all forms of life on to self-realisation; whilst in connection with the superhuman aspect it may be stated that this law of life expands into the processes conditioned by the higher law of Synthesis, of which the Law of Attraction is but a subsidiary branch. Strictly speaking, the Law of Attraction is a generic term under which are grouped several other laws similar in nature but diverse in their manifestations. 

 It should be noted here as a basic proposition in connection with all atoms that the Law of Attraction governs the Soul aspect. The Law of Economy is the law of the negative electron; the Law of Synthesis is the Law of the positive central life; whilst theLaw of Attraction governs that which is produced by the relation of these two, and is itself controlled by a greater cosmic law which is the principle of the intelligence of substance. It is the law of Akasha

 It must be borne in mind that these three laws are the expression of the intent or purpose of the three Logoic Aspects. The Law of Economy is the governing principle of Brahma or the Holy Spirit; the Law of Synthesis is the law of the Father’s life; whilst the Son’s life is governed by, and manifests forth divine attraction. Yet these three are the three subsidiary laws of a greater impulse which governs the life of the Unmanifested Logos. 

 As we know, the planetary schemes (the seven sacred planets) will eventually synthesise, or absorb the life of the planets which are not termed sacred and the numerous planetoids, as far as the four kingdoms of nature are concerned. The absorption of the Spirit aspect proceeds under the Law of Synthesis. The minor four planetary schemes become first the two, and then the one. 

 The Law of Attraction as a pull, c. The Law of Synthesis as a tendency to concentrate at a centre, or to merge. The streams of energy which pour forth through the medium of the Sun from the egoic lotus and which are in reality “logoic Soul energy” attract to them that which is akin to them in vibration. 

 It is this Army which is responsible for the attraction which is the medium of bringing together the material required by the free Spirits in order to construct their bodies of manifestation. The vibration initiated by the Sound, which is the expression of the Law of Synthesis, is succeeded by the Voice or Word, and that Word as it progresses outward from the centre to the periphery (for, occultly understood, the Word is “spoken from the Heart”) becomes a. A phrase. 

 This group sustains and cooperates with the planetary Logos in His concentrated creative thought; its Members are the agents for attracting—through the potency of Their meditation—those extra-planetary energies which He needs to carry forward His vehicle of expression, the planet, and thus to bind all together into one great created Whole, tending ceaselessly to the greater glory of God. They wield the Law of Synthesis and hold steadfastly (in the universal Mind of the Logos) the ultimate result of the divine Will-to-Good.  

 Shamballa, with its life and intention focussed in the Council Chamber of the great Lord, Sanat Kumara. Here is known and embodied the Purpose of the planetary Logos under the meditative impression of the group which knows His will and which wields the Law of Synthesis. In the hands of this august Council, the Law of Karma finds adequate planetary guidance; this does not refer to the law as it affects the individual human being because of such individuals the Council Members have no knowledge, for the reason that They think and meditate only in terms of the Whole; but They know the nature of planetary karma and of its delayed or rapid application, according to transient planetary indications. 

 This Law of Attraction is a major soul law. Later, after the fourth initiation, the disciple comes increasingly under the Law of Synthesis, which is the major Law of the Spirit in the universe. His capacity then to include rapidly develops and his sense of awareness can (after the sixth Initiation of Decision) begin to range in an extra-planetary fashion. 

 ” The force which is centred in London is that of the first Ray of Will or Power in its building aspect and not in its destroying aspect. It is the service of the whole which is being attempted at great cost and the effort is to express the Law of Synthesis which is the new emphasis, pouring through from Shamballa. Hence the fact that the governments of many nations found asylum in Great Britain. 

 This is an expression of the first aspect. All these phases, rightly understood, illustrate or demonstrate the unique potency of the Law of Attraction and its relation to the Law of Synthesis, which governs the first divine aspect. Integration eventually produces synthesis. 

 Abstraction is indicative of process, progress and development. It is this aspect of the Law of Life for the Law of Synthesis as it is called in certain larger connotations) with which the initiate specifically deals. A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Vol. 

 These are: 1. The Law of Synthesis, determining the future, certifying the goal, and concerned with the life or spirit aspect.  

 Motivation. The impulse to plan, under the Law of Synthesis.  

 Sight—The recognition of totality, the synthesis of all, the realisation of the One in Many, the first Logos. The Law of Synthesis, operating between all forms which the self occupies, and the recognition of the essential unity of all manifestation by the means of sight. Extract 4 Hearing Beatitude. 

 The Law of Synthesis, which will govern man when he has arrived at the Path of Initiation, but which as yet means but little in his development. There are, then, the seven minor Laws which produce the evolutionary unfoldment of man, the person, and man, the soul. 

 Abstraction is indicative of process, progress and development. It is this aspect of the Law of Life (or the Law of Synthesis as it is called in certain larger connotations) with which the initiate specifically deals when wielding the Law of the Supplementary Seven. The group angle of the matter can be seen if you remember that the individual initiate, when wielding this law, draws upon the united energy of the Will as the group is expressing it in “unified rhythm. 

 Let the group demonstrate the higher meaning of the lessons learnt, and these are four and yet are one. Let the group understand the Law of Synthesis, of unity and fusion; let the threefold mode of working with that which is dynamic carry the group together towards the Higher Three where the Will of God holds sway; let Transfiguration follow Transformation, and may Transmutation disappear. Let the O. 

 The higher correspondences of these four requirements are expressed in the following terms: 1. Let the group understand the Law of Synthesis. (This is the law which governs the thinking of those great Lives Who form the Council of Sanat Kumara in Shamballa. 

 They have within them the element of prophecy, but it is prophecy which has no relation to the salvation of humanity in any sense at all. It is related to an active Appearance which will, under the Law of Synthesis, indicate That which the three great planetary centres of divine life are unitedly intended to reveal. Something lies behind the three divine aspects of so great an importance, beauty and revelatory strength that all the happenings of all time, up to the present emerging Aquarian Age, have been only the initial and the initiatory preparation. 

 They will thus be invocative and evocative. This thought holds the clue to the Law of Synthesis, of unity and of fusion as given in Rule XIII for initiates.  

 The first major injunction in this Rule XIII reads as follows: 3. Let the group understand the Law of Synthesis, of unity and fusion. The Law of Synthesis, as you know, is the law of spiritual existence, and one of the three major laws of our solar system, as well as of our planet. 

 Let the group understand the Law of Synthesis, of unity and fusion. The Law of Synthesis, as you know, is the law of spiritual existence, and one of the three major laws of our solar system, as well as of our planet. It is a basic cosmic law, applied from sources of which we know nothing, as are the Laws of Attraction and of Economy. 

 I dealt with these somewhat at length in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, and of these two other laws I have given much and hinted more. Of the Law of Synthesis, I can tell you but little. It is the law governing the activities of the Spiritual Triad, and the conditioning law of monadic living. 

 It works neither through the use of the energy of love nor through the application of the principle of economy. The fulfillment of these laws is necessary and preparatory to an understanding of the Law of Synthesis, and under the Law of Synthesis the worlds of illusion and glamour are mastered and the control of maya is negated; under the Law of Attraction the nature of love is revealed, first of all through desire for form life, and then through attraction to the soul and a consequent resolution of the dualities of soul and personality. This brings about a unity which—in due time—serves to reveal a greater potential dualism—that of soul and spirit; this fundamental duality must also be resolved, leaving the essential, universal planetary duality, Spirit-matter, present in time and space. 

 This brings about a unity which—in due time—serves to reveal a greater potential dualism—that of soul and spirit; this fundamental duality must also be resolved, leaving the essential, universal planetary duality, Spirit-matter, present in time and space. The Law of Synthesis has reference to this relationship and to the factual nature of the tremendous assertion of H.  

 This can only be done through synthesis. This Law of Synthesis “works through the Seven which yet are One; which points to the seven ways and yet those upon the seven ways are one; which initiates the universal into the many but preserves its integrity; which originates the plan but preserves intact the purpose; which sees the multiplicity needed under the Law of Sacrifice but subordinates that law unto the Law of Synthesis; which breathes forth the many Breaths and yet is Life Itself. ” In this attempt to paraphrase an ancient definition of the Law of Synthesis, I have said all that I can upon the theme. 

 This Law of Synthesis “works through the Seven which yet are One; which points to the seven ways and yet those upon the seven ways are one; which initiates the universal into the many but preserves its integrity; which originates the plan but preserves intact the purpose; which sees the multiplicity needed under the Law of Sacrifice but subordinates that law unto the Law of Synthesis; which breathes forth the many Breaths and yet is Life Itself. ” In this attempt to paraphrase an ancient definition of the Law of Synthesis, I have said all that I can upon the theme. Only as disciples build the antahkarana and function as the Spiritual Triad within the monadic Life will inspiration come, just as they learnt to make contact with the soul and to function as the threefold personality within the soul, and then revelation ensued. 

 This higher form of destruction does not manifest under the activity or the non-activity of the Law of Attraction, as does the death which the soul brings about. It is definitely under the Law of Synthesis, a law of the monadic sphere of life, and one therefore most difficult for you to comprehend; it emanates from a point outside the five worlds of human and superhuman evolution, just as the destruction of form in the three worlds emanates from the soul functioning outside the three worlds of the lower, concrete mind, the astral world and the physical plane. This statement again may aid you in understanding. 

 Let the group demonstrate the higher meaning of the lessons learnt, and these are four and yet are one. Let the group understand the Law of Synthesis, of unity and fusion; let the threefold mode of working with that which is dynamic carry the group together towards the Higher Three where the Will of God holds sway; let Transfiguration follow Transformation and may Transmutation disappear. Let the O. 

 But, my brothers, here is the point of interest. Under the great law of synthetic expression (called by us the Law of Synthesis, the law governing the first divine aspect) the Hierarchy must move forward in such a manner that the effort must encompass the physical plane as well as the higher planes. The activity engineered must cover the three worlds of human evolution as well as the three worlds of the Spiritual Triad. 

 All other laws and qualities (for a law from the divine angle is the motivating, qualified agent of the divine will, as understood in Shamballa) are related to the second ray as it manifests through our planetary Logos. Nevertheless, magnetic action is more closely allied to first ray functioning than it is to the second ray, and is an aspect or quality of the Law of Synthesis. It was this magnetic power of the first ray to which the Christ referred when He said “I, if I be lifted up (The Ascension Initiation. 

 They are therefore, through the magnetic power of the Master, withdrawn from our planetary life and are “occultly absorbed” by the Master; the substance of the glamour, purified and freed from all that conditioned it on the planetary astral plane, and with only the pure essence retained, sets the law in motion which draws this purified remainder into the cosmic astral plane. Constantly, therefore, this great circulatory process goes on, demonstrating anew the essential synthesis underlying all life—human, planetary, systemic and cosmic; it reveals also that the Law of Attraction, the Law of Magnetic Work, and the cosmic Law of Synthesis are three aspects of one Law for which, as yet, we have no name. It might be said that the Masters working on the second Path are working in relation to and in contact with certain great Lives Who work on the periphery of the constellation Libra, the Balances. 

 It is responsible for His being known as the “Great Sacrifice,” for (under the control of this law) He created our planetary life and all that is within and upon it, in order to learn to wield this law with full understanding, in full consciousness, and yet at the same time to bring release to the myriad forms of His creation. The Law of Economy affects humanity as a whole today throughout every phase of its life; the Law of Attraction is beginning to gain some control, particularly in the work which the Hierarchy undertakes to do; and many initiates and senior disciples are becoming aware of the significance of the Law of Synthesis and are reacting to its impact. Later on, when moving to one of the seven Paths, the Master will work with the Law of Freedom

 The Father inspires response from the material aspect, or from the Mother if you like that symbolism, but it accomplishes this by remaining immovably itself. From the point where he is, the Builder (human or divine) works, not by the Law of Attraction, as does the second ray, but by the Law of Synthesis, by a fiat of the will, based on a clearly formulated purpose and programme. You will see, therefore, that the first ray personality has to ascertain (as in fact do all disciples) which aspect he himself is of a particular ray. 

 It must never be forgotten that it is the progress forward upon His chosen cosmic Path which makes the entire evolutionary process possible. Just as a Master Who has taken the fifth initiation has to project His own specific undertaking, through the medium of His Ashram, thus proving His response to the will aspect of the planetary Logos and making Himself responsible for a phase of the planetary Plan, so a planetary Logos has likewise—under the Law of Synthesis—to carry forward a specific project in line with the will of the Solar Logos. This our planetary Logos, Sanat Kumara, is in process of doing, providing a definite culture wherein the germ of the solar will can be fostered in one of its aspects. 

 The Law of Synthesis.  

 ” The force which is centred in London is that of the first Ray of Will or Power in its building aspect and not in its destroying aspect. It is the service of the whole which is being attempted and at great cost, and the effort is to express the Law of Synthesis which is the new emphasis pouring through from Shamballa. Hence the fact that the governments of many nations found asylum in Great Britain during the war. 

 ” This Being is closely related to the Will Aspect of divinity, and His cooperation has been made possible through Christ’s Own attainment along the line of the highest, spiritual will. He works under the great natural Law of Synthesis, producing at-one-ment, unification and fusion. His function (in unison with the energy of Christ) is to generate spiritual will in humanity, the will-to-good; His potency works in three fields of activity at this time: a. 

You are welcome to post your comments and understanding of this law. 

Also see:

The Law of Synthesis by Joseph J. Dewey

The Laws of Alice A. Bailey

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