Law of Economy

Law of Economy

Below are all of the known references to the Law of Economy in the writings of Alice A. Bailey (AAB) and Djwhal Khul (DK). Links on these pages of the Laws of Alice A. Bailey are to the online books at the Lucis Trust website.

For a discussion of what AAB means by a “law” please see  Alice A. Bailey – What is a Law?

  In the Centres Division F.The Law of Economy SECTION TWO. THE FIRE OF MIND—SOLAR FIRE Introductory Questions Division A. 


  It is not yet vibrating adequately nor has it yet attained the peak of its activity.It is the basis of the cyclic spiral movement of the body logoic, and just as the Law of Economy is the law governing the internal fires of the system so the cosmic Law of Attraction and Repulsion is the basic law of this divine Ray. The Ray of intelligent will. 

 … This fire is the basic vibration of the little system in which the monad or human spirit is the. It has its correspondence in the ray of intelligent activity and is controlled by the Law of Economy in one of its subdivisions, the Law of Adaptation in Time

  c.The development of matter by the means of friction, under the law of Economy. H. 

 … There are certain other laws in the system which are linked with this one; some of them are as. The Law of Economy.  

 … On each of these planes the process is pursued, and the matter of any plane within the plane. This differentiation of matter is brought about by rotary motion, and is controlled by the Law of Economy (one of the cosmic laws) with which we will deal later, only pausing here to say that this Law of Economy might be considered as the controlling factor in the life of the third Logos. Therefore: a. 

 … His mode of action is rotary, or, by the revolution of matter, to increase activity and thereby. All these three concepts are governed by the Law of Economy, which is the Law of Adaptation in time and space, or the line of least resistance. This line of least resistance is that which is sought for and followed on the matter side of… 

  The activity of the second Logos is carried on under the cosmic Law of Attraction .The Law of Economy has for one of its branches a subsidiary Law of marked development called the Law of Repulsion. The cosmic Laws of Attraction and Economy are therefore the raison d’être (viewed from one angle) … 

 … His mode of action is a driving forward; the will that lies back of evolutionary development is. Second, Increased the vibration of matter itself by means of its own energy, so that matter at the moment of pralaya and obscuration will have two main characteristics,—activity, the result of the Law of Economy, and a dual magnetism which will be the result of the Law of Attraction . All of these three concepts are governed by the Law of Synthesis, which is the law of a coherent… 

  Momentum, resulting therefore in repulsion, was produced by the rotary movement.We have referred to the Law of Repulsion as one of the subsidiary branches of the great Law of Economy, which governs matter. Repulsion is brought about by rotary action, and is the basis of that separation which prevents… 

  This sense, as said before, is the paramount correlating sense of the solar system.Under the Law of Economy man hears. Sound permeates matter and is the basis of its subsequent heterogeneity. 

  The senses are developed, and the apparatus is perfected by the Self for the utilisation of matter.This is under the Law of Economy. Evolution up to the time of the Probationary Path. 

 … ITS EFFECT IN MATTER This law is the law governing the matter aspect of manifestation, and is the. Each of the great cosmic Entities who take form as the three Logoi, is distinguished by different methods of activity, which might be described thus: The third Aspect or Brahma aspect of the activities of those Entities who are His expression, is characterised by that method in the distribution of matter which we call the Law of Economy. It is the law governing the scattering of the atoms of matter and their dissociation from one… 

 … It is the law governing the scattering of the atoms of matter and their dissociation from one. This Law of Economy causes matter always to follow the line of least resistance, and is the basis of the separative action of atomic matter. It governs matter, the opposite pole of spirit. 

 … The seven qualities of wisdom, which are produced by the cosmic entities, the Kumaras by the aid. This Law of Economy has several subsidiary laws which govern its effects on the different grades of matter. As said before, this is the Law swept into action by the sounds as uttered by the Logos. 

 … Hence the mystery hidden in the pentagon, in the fifth principle of mind, and in the five planes. These five letters when sounded forth on the right note, give the key to the true inwardness of matter and also to its control,—this control being based on the right interpretation of the Law of Economy. Another phrase, this time of seven letters, or a letter for each of the seven Heavenly Men,… 

 … We have a correspondence in the nine Initiations, each initiation marking a more perfect union of. When the sense of hearing on all planes is perfected (which is brought about by the Law of Economy rightly understood) these three great Words or phrases will be known. The Knower will utter them in his own true key, thus blending his own sound with the entire volume … 

  II.THE SUBSIDIARY LAWS The subsidiary laws under the Law of Economy are four in number, dealing with the lower quaternary: 1. The Law of Vibration, dealing with the key note or measure of the matter of each plane. 

 … These general rules relating to atomic bodies can be extended not only to the atoms of the. The tiny atom of the physical plane, a plane itself, a planet, and a solar system all evolve under these rules, and all are governed by the Law of Economy in one of its four aspects. It might be added in closing, that this law is one that initiates have to master before They can… 

  An atom is governed by the Law of Economy, is coming slowly under the Law of Attraction , and will eventually come under the Law of Synthesis.

  e.A man is governed by the Law of Attraction , is evolved through the Law of Economy, and is coming under the Law of Synthesis. Economy governs the material process with which he is not so much consciously concerned;… 

  e.A Heavenly Man is governed by the Law of Attraction , has transcended the Law of Economy, and is rapidly coming under the Law of Synthesis. Note therefore the gradual stepping-up of the control and the fact that: First. 

  Note therefore the gradual stepping-up of the control and the fact that: First.The Law of Economy is the primary law of the atom. The Law of Attraction is coming into control of the atom. 

  The Law of Attraction is the primary law of man.The Law of Economy is a secondary law for man. It governs the matter of his vehicles. 

  The Law of Attraction has full sway.The Law of Economy is transcended. The dense physical body is not a principle for a Heavenly Man, hence the Law of Economy is… 

  The Law of Economy is transcended.The dense physical body is not a principle for a Heavenly Man, hence the Law of Economy is transcended. The Law of Attraction governs the material process of form building. 

  He holds all in synthetic unity or homogeneity.His subjective life is governed by the Law of Attraction ; His material form is governed by the Law of Economy. He is coming under another cosmic law as yet incomprehensible to men, which law is but revealed to … 

 … Both these divisions will be seen later as existing on every plane in the system and as having. The lower three planes or subplanes act under the Law of Economy primarily; the plane of meeting or of union acts under a phase of the Law of Attraction . Paralleling them, of course, during evolution are their opposites, showing as Dispersion,… 

  This occult abstraction is brought about by an effort of the will at present incomprehensible.The first method of individualisation is that of the third aspect, or latent activity, and follows the line of least resistance under the Law of Economy; the second method is the purely electrical one, and works under the Law of Attraction ; whilst the third method lies hidden in dynamic will and is as yet to us impossible and incomprehensible. 2. 

 … Fundamentally, the law describes the compelling force of attraction that holds our solar system to . The third law is the Law of Economy, and is the law which adjusts all that concerns the material and spiritual evolution of the cosmos to the best possible advantage and with the least expenditure of force. It makes perfect each atom of time, and each eternal period, and carries all onward, and upward,… 

  The Law of Attraction The Love Aspect 2nd Aspect.The Law of Economy The Activity Aspect 3rd Aspect. b. 

 … We need always to remember in discussing these abstract fundamentals that words but dim the. In manifestation the cosmic Law of Attraction controls all these subsidiary laws, just as the Law of Synthesis governs pralaya and obscuration, and the law of Economy deals with the general working out, along the line of least resistance, of the logoic scheme. During manifestation we have most to do with the Law of Attraction , and it will be found, on… 

 … The Law of Disintegration has its correspondence in cosmic law, but it is almost incomprehensible. The Law of Economy holds the key to this law. When the Monad has circled through all disintegrating forms, and has achieved the sixth… 

  They mark the gradual control by the Logos on cosmic levels of His threefold lower nature.In the first, the correspondence lies in the latent consciousness of matter, and works under the Law of Economy. It concerns primarily the Self-consciousness of the Logos in His dense physical body, and His… 

 …” Here in the arcane symbology is hid (in terms of energy and of radiant activity) the whole secret . In all manifestation, the originating impulse comes from the first aspect which is hidden at the heart of the egoic lotus, but this hidden Identity works under law, and in the earlier stages (the first three cycles) the process goes on under the Law of Economy, which is the law of substance itself; in the final two cycles this law becomes merged (though not superseded, being still potent) with the Law of Attraction , which is the fundamental law of the divine Self. It is the failure to realise this which has resulted in the confusion existing in the minds of… 

 … It is the failure to realise this which has resulted in the confusion existing in the minds of. In the earlier stages man reincarnates under the Law of Economy, and though the will aspect lies back of the process, yet for a long time it is the pull of sensation and its reflex in consciousness, desire, which produces rebirth. Sensation, being a quality in matter or substance, the Self in the beginning identifies Itself… 

 … They might also produce such a powerful, attractive force that he would draw the form so closely. This can be harmlessly accomplished by the man who knows how, but results, nevertheless, in a waste of energy which is forbidden under the Law of Economy. With the majority of men, who are oft unconscious magicians, many thought forms are malicious or… 

 … It might strictly be called the Law of Adjustment or of Balance, for it conditions that aspect of. The Law of Economy is the basic law of one pole, that of the negative aspect; the Law of Synthesis is the basic law of the positive pole, but the Law of Attraction is the law for the fire which is produced by the merging during evolution of the two poles. From the standpoint of the human being, it is that which brings about the realisation of… 

 … It should be noted here as a basic proposition in connection with all atoms that the Law of. The Law of Economy is the law of the negative electron; the Law of Synthesis is the Law of the positive central life; whilst the Law of Attraction governs that which is produced by the relation of these two, and is itself controlled by a greater cosmic law which is the principle of the intelligence of substance. It is the law of Akasha

 … It must be borne in mind that these three laws are the expression of the intent or purpose of the. The Law of Economy is the governing principle of Brahma or the Holy Spirit; the Law of Synthesis is the law of the Father’s life; whilst the Son’s life is governed by, and manifests forth divine attraction. Yet these three are the three subsidiary laws of a greater impulse which governs the life of the… 

  Students may find it of use to remember that, a.The Law of Economy demonstrates as an urge, b. The Law of Attraction as a pull, c. 

  This stream of force is called “lunar” force for lack of a better term.They form the body of the raja Lord of each of the planes, and are governed by the Law of Economy. All these streams of energy form geometrical designs of great beauty to the eye of the initiated… 

 … The man who aims at providing a point of contact, between conditions of chaos and Those Who work. This involves always obedience to the law of economy of force, due to discrimination, and a true sense of values. Where these are present, time will be economised, strength will be husbanded, energy will be… 

 … The simple illustration of this can be given here in terms of the teaching to be found in A. As a human being, the disciple was ruled and conditioned by the cosmic Law of Economy, along with its various subsidiary laws which were active and conditioning in the three worlds of human evolution. This law is the basic law of nature and of the natural evolving man. 

  This law is the basic law of nature and of the natural evolving man.After the first initiation, he comes under the Law of Attraction which carries and wields the energy of love and—though the Law of Economy is then abrogated—it preserves an habitual control over the habitual process of the form vehicles which are now used under the Law of Attraction ; this law works within the consciousness of man and also within the forms in the service of the Hierarchy. This Law of Attraction is a major soul law. 

  3.The Law of Economy. This law determines the past, conditions the planetary consciousness, and concerns itself with the … 

 … It comes today through many channels and from many sources—such is the wonder of the power. This instinct of Deity is closely connected with the Law of Economy and is an expression of the Principle of Materialisation. For man, it has to be studied, grasped, and wrought out through the right use of the mental body,… 

  The reflection of intelligent activity or divine movement.The impulse to act, to be energetic, under the Law of Economy. 4 The energy of dense matter. 

  The three major laws are, as has been stated elsewhere:— 1.The Law of Economy. This governs primarily the instinctual nature of man. 

 … During the whole procedure the Lodge of Masters, congregated without the Triangle of force, has. It must be remembered that under the law of economy wherever there is an application or a transmission of force from one force centre to another there is a consequent diminution in the centre of withdrawal. This is the basis of the set times and seasons in connection with the initiation ceremony. 

 … It is obviously impossible, and also unnecessary, to convey to our mind any impression as to the. As time progresses and the race reaches a higher point of development, we shall be able to comprehend more, but under the law of economy it would be fruitless effort for the teachers of the race to instruct us on the characteristics needed for the treading of the seven Paths, before we have as yet apprehended or developed those required for traversing the Probationary Path, not to mention the Path of Initiation. One general fact we do know, and that is, that before these Paths can be trodden, a man must be a… 

  We must recognise two things in pondering the subject of the Masters and Their disciples.First, that in the Hierarchy nothing is lost through failure to recognise the law of economy. Every expenditure of force on the part of a Master or Teacher is subjected to wise foresight and… 

  The reason for this will be apparent.Under the governing law of matter, the law of Economy, the elemental life will attract to itself similar lives and this will result in a dual danger. These dangers are: One: the gathering into the form, through the dominant note sounded by the form … 

 … It is responsible for His being known as the “Great Sacrifice,” for (under the control of this. The Law of Economy affects humanity as a whole today throughout every phase of its life; the Law of Attraction is beginning to gain some control, particularly in the work which the Hierarchy undertakes to do; and many initiates and senior disciples are becoming aware of the significance of the Law of Synthesis and are reacting to its impact. Later on, when moving to one of the seven Paths, the Master will work with the Law of Freedom

 … This is not, as you may well surmise, its true name, for in the last analysis, freedom and. This unique and mysterious law governs the Life and the Lives upon Sirius, and it is to that unknown “sphere of functioning and intelligent activity” what the Law of Economy is to our planet—the lowest of the laws controlling existence in planetary form. This Law of Economy includes, as you know from my earlier writings, many lesser or subsidiary… 

 … This unique and mysterious law governs the Life and the Lives upon Sirius, and it is to that. This Law of Economy includes, as you know from my earlier writings, many lesser or subsidiary laws; it might therefore be stated that this Law of Freedom also does the same. Until more divine attributes are realised as existing and recognised as aspects, it is not… 

Author Joseph J. Dewey wrote on the Law of Economy:

In summary, here are some of the important ingredients of the Law of Economy.

1. It governs matter and the third aspect.

2. It is the basic law of nature and of the natural evolving human.

3. It follows the line of least resistance

4. Initiates have to master this law before they achieve liberation.

5. It “adjusts all that concerns the material and spiritual evolution of the cosmos to the best possible advantage and with the least expenditure of force.”

6. The law forbids the wasting of energy.

7. Common sense and good judgment are key factors in the right use of this law.

8. It has subsidiary laws.

Stated more briefly we could say that this law causes the maximum amount of effect through the use of a minimal amount of force. One masters this law by learning to correctly discern the right amount of energy to use, and direct it in such a way that the maximum constructive effect is achieved.

The Law of Economy, Part 1, JJD

You are welcome to post your comments and understanding of this law. 

Also see:

The Laws of Alice A. Bailey

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