What other areas besides religion is the beast at work? Give an example where the beast is in control. Some answers might be:
- morality
- the media
- schools
- taxes
It is true the beast does control all these categories. But this is not really what we are looking for.
Since the beast controls all categories you can’t be totally wrong here. What we are looking for is more exactly how and where the beast pulls the levers of control. Remember in religion the sources of black and white authority are the ministers, leaders and the Bible.
Let us pick one category – the media. How does the beast work through it? Before we continue here keep in mind that uniformity of philosophy, thought or teaching is not the object of the beast. The object is unquestioning acceptance to whatever is presented.
Thus in religion we have many different teachings presented through numerous teachers, but all successfully controlled by the same beast. Control is the prime objective, even if the teaching is good, for if the Dark Ones can control you and take away your thinking process with good things, then they can also manipulate you with selfishness when the opportunity arises.
So it is with the media. It doesn’t matter if the person telling you what is “the truth” is conservative or liberal, right or left, for the beast seeks to control both sides. If an authority anchor on the left, for instance, reports with a frown on his face: “Ken Starr has been leaking right and left from the beginning…” and you are anchored in the left (and respect the anchor) and you believe this without even thinking about it, then you are controlled by the beast.
On the other hand, if a media talk show host speaks and says: ‘Ken Starr has never leaked anything and has never broken any law…“; if this media person is an object of your great respect and you believe what he says without thinking it through then you are a part of the beast.
What is the attitude of one who is free from the beast? The attitude is this:
No matter what the source is, even if it is an angel of God, the person will at least use his mind to sift out the true from the false.
Then to completely escape the beast he must run his mental perceptions through his soul. This final act is the only way to know for sure you are free from the control of the beast. Escape from the beast is a very subtle thing because most people think they are thinking things through when they are not.
For instance, most people in a tightly controlled religion believe they think for themselves even though one in their group will believe exactly like the other, not because of soul contact, but because of the master handbook of the church doctrine.
We at least met an honest one a while back. When asked what he thought on a point of doctrine he replied:
I don’t know. I’ll check with my minister and find out what I think about it.
This is the exact procedure the beast wants you to follow. Check with your authority and find out what you think.
We do get some truth along with falsehood through the beast, but that doesn’t matter. You can’t really appreciate the truth until you can verify it with your heart, mind, and soul. Then and only then can you apply the truth to an area of real good.
You accept an anchor person as being correct without checking facts or thinking things through. Another thing few do is that they do not examine what was not reported. Perhaps there are other important facts that were just left out of the report. The anchor senses that many people do this. This gives him a sense of power and he discovers he can influence listeners toward his own belief system by a certain manner of presenting (or leaving out) his “true facts.” He can relate certain influences while still maintaining he is objective, but he still sways listeners by the tone of his voice and the look in his eyes and his ordering and selection of the material.
This belief system that he subtly tries to pawn off on us was received by him from some other authority. It could have been a college teacher, a religion or the group approval of colleagues that he has coffee with. The anchor thus cooperates with the beast because he seeks to pass the authority he has received on to you with the premise that he is being objective and not trying to influence you. By making you think you are not being manipulated in your thinking, when you are totally manipulated, lies the true power of the beast.
As we learn more about the beast, the number, the mark etc., this power of authority will make more and more sense. In the meantime, how do you see the beast using his authority in our educational system? Where and how is the unthinking authority filtered through and hindering rather than helping education?
Copyright © 1998 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved
Download The Immortal, Book 1, Free as MP3, Text, or PDF

The Immortal is the story of an average truth seeker who stumbles across a fascinating teacher, only to discover that the man is John, the Beloved, the Revelator, an Apostle of Jesus, perhaps the most mysterious man in history, comes alive in this book. Legend has it that John never died and still roams the earth as a teacher. John finds JJ Dewey, the main character, to teach him the Twelve Keys of Knowledge to prepare the world for the new age of peace. The first question addressed in Book I is WHO OR WHAT AM I? The student gives all the standard answers…and they are all wrong. The lead character then realizes he is under the tutorage of no ordinary teacher and must apply himself in a quest for knowledge.
"The Beast" on this, and following pages, is taken from the initial writings by J.J. Dewey to the Keys of Knowledge discussion forum on the Internet. Eventually this became a chapter in The Unveiling which is an indepth, and totally unique explanation of the symbols and meaning of the book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible and the New Testament. From Amazon:
After almost 2000 years the key to understanding The Book of Revelation is finally manifest and it is not what you have been taught.First, it is important to understand common interpretations that are revealed to not be true. Among them are:
- The Beast is not a powerful Hitler type worldwide dictator.
- The mark of the beast has nothing to do with bar codes or a chip implanted in your hand or head.
- The letters to the seven churches have little to do with the seven churches.
- The two witnesses are not two prophets who will magically appear.
- When John said that the things in it will “shortly come to pass” he did not mean it would take 2000 years but he meant a short time just as we interpret the phrase.
The real meaning of the book is nothing like students have been taught but contains teachings in symbolic code disguised as an end of the world scenario to insure it would be included in the canon as we now have it. These teachings, previously hidden from view, tell the aspiring disciple how to tread the path that the Master has outlined. This is why the book was called the “Unveiling of Jesus Christ,” commonly mistranslated as "The Revelation of Jesus Christ" - or in short "The Book of Revelation."
Joseph J. DeweyJoseph J. (JJ) Dewey, born Feb 1945, has been a student of philosophy, metaphysics and the spiritual path most of his life and has taught numerous classes and seminars on a variety of avant-garde subjects.
In his trilogy of books in the Immortal series, the author draws from many true-life experiences to create novels that present unique and mystical teachings in a way that captivates the imagination. What is true and what is fiction? That is for the reader to determine. The trilogy consists of The Immortal, Books I & II in one volume, The Lost Key of the Buddha and Eternal Words.
A fourth Book called The Unveiling is available in the Kindle edition.
Joseph J. Dewey's books on Amazon