We are told that “power was given unto him (the beast) over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations…” (Verse 7) Thus the prophecy tells us that mindless authority controls all people in all lands and nations. We do not have to wait for a Hitler-like dictator to arise and enslave the earth. The beast is here now and has great authority. It may be deceptive and subtle, but it is great and all encompassing nevertheless.
As I said the beast is here because we are the Beast. Even many who think they are enlightened still allow themselves to be herded like a non- thinking animal by the outside authority he deems most sacred.
Let me phrase it this way. Average humanity is the beast because they do not use the power of the mind or realize their power of Decision. The trained dog responds to his master without even thinking about it, without using the faculty of the mind. The “sea” of people are like a large trained beast.
The “sea” also represents emotion. This tells us that the beast functions on an emotional level and does not use the mind. The beast controls many departments of life but in this article we will seek the beast in one important department – the religious-spiritual.
There are a few obvious examples we can cite of the beast at work. The main one that comes to mind for most of us would probably be the Jim Jones group. Jones was such an authority to the group that the whole city that was in his presence did not resist his command to drink poison Kool-Aide and kill themselves. Not one resisted that we know about.
When the world found out about this everyone was amazed and wondered after this beastly act. How could they have been under such a tight control? Why did not even one out of the hundreds have power to resist? They must have been under some type of hypnosis many thought.
Then recently we were witness to the Heaven’s Gate group who were told by their leader to kill themselves so they could be transported aboard a spacecraft. They all joyfully obeyed. Again not one resisted and the world wondered anew at the power of the beast.
We cringe when we hear about a crazed religious fanatic driving a car bomb into a crowd of women and children because his beastly leader promised him a spot in heaven. As ordinary people watch this amazing power certain leaders have over the lives of others they make the mistake of believing that these people are some type of oddity in nature and do crazy things because they are mentally disturbed. What they do not realize is that these beasts who followed their leader to pain and even death are just ordinary folk like you and I. They are like people we grew up with that seemed fairly normal.
What the other 99.9% of humanity need to realize is how thankful they need to be that their own beastly leader has not commanded them to handle snakes, drink poison or die for them yet. Most leaders within the order of the beast do not go off the social edge and only give commands within social perimeters, like Jim Jones did when his group was young. But those under the power of the beast are always in danger for the commanders within the order of the beast are legion and rotate so being within the beastly power is like playing Russian Roulette.
Whenever you hear about someone doing something very odd or bizarre you can usually trace the behavior to the power of the beast. Do not make the mistake of thinking that only members of a cult are under the beastly power. Almost everyone reacts as a beast to authority in at least one area of his life. It is usually the aspect of his life that is most dear to him. For some it is religious, for some it is political, for some it is his job or business, for others it is philosophy, and others it is family or a loved one.
Then too, the commander is not always a person of flesh and bones. It can be a book like the Bible, it could be a holy object, it could be a channeled entity or even an imagined voice that is not of the soul.
Now for the brevity of discussion we will stay on the spiritual aspect. Many religions who are not considered cults have many followers who will obey like unthinking beasts responding to the command of their owner. Let us take an encounter that I mentioned in an earlier post. I wrote about these fairly ordinary believers who asked me if I accepted Jesus as my ‘personal savior.’ They have accepted this idea of Jesus being our ‘personal savior’ with unthinking beast acceptance because their leaders told them they were supposed to. They did not think the idea through or even check it out with their leaders authority which was the Bible. The phrase sounds good to them so they accept without thinking.
I greatly disturbed their thoughtform when I asked this question: ‘Show me in the Bible where it calls Jesus a ‘personal savior.’ This created a ‘does not compute’ to their program because they accepted both their religious leaders and the Bible as beastly authorities and now they did not harmonize. All they could do is feel frustrated and angry.
Others believe in some odd version of heaven or hell because their leaders told them to, not because it makes any sense or registers with their soul. Still others believe that Friday, Saturday or Sunday is the correct Holy Day because their authorities have the correct understanding of the mind of God on the subject. Many serious religious followers believe their leader represents the mind of God or is in touch with God to the extent that his or her commands are to be followed no matter what. They will not check with the mind of God themselves. They almost feel that would be blasphemy because the leader is surely much closer to God than they are. Therefore, whatever the prophet, priest or minister commands is mindlessly followed as a beast follows his master.
We are just lucky as a society that there are not more deranged religious leaders because their serious followers would obey their every command. Even a very spiritual book like the Bible can be the source of beast commands. There are those who handle snakes as a test of faith because of misreading it. There are others who will not let women speak because of an off hand comment of the Apostle Paul. There is even a group that undergoes castration because of a terrible misunderstanding of a comment of Jesus.
You wonder. Don’t these people reach a point where they will use some reason and question a beastly command as possibly wrong? No, not once the God within is replaced by the beast without.
Jesus was very conscientious about giving power to the beast as illustrated in the book of Matthew. A man addressed him as “good master.” To this he responded: “Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is God.” Matthew 19:16-17 Jesus did not even want to take the chance of looking too ‘good’ to his followers, but now the mindless followers think it is blasphemy to call Him anything less than the best, most perfect creator God of the universe.
When Christ returns only a few will recognize Him because the rest will be following a non-thinking program that does not allow for vision. Now for a closing question: What other areas besides religion is the beast at work? Give an example where the beast is in control.
Now we need to solve the mystery of the seven heads. Could they represent different periods of history? This is the right direction. What kind of division of history would represent a head? We are told also that the seven heads represent seven hills or mountains (Revelation 17:9). What does a hill or mountain represent? Hint: The mountain of the Lord is often mentioned in the Scriptures.
Copyright © 1998 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved
Download The Immortal, Book 1, Free as MP3, Text, or PDF

The Immortal is the story of an average truth seeker who stumbles across a fascinating teacher, only to discover that the man is John, the Beloved, the Revelator, an Apostle of Jesus, perhaps the most mysterious man in history, comes alive in this book. Legend has it that John never died and still roams the earth as a teacher. John finds JJ Dewey, the main character, to teach him the Twelve Keys of Knowledge to prepare the world for the new age of peace. The first question addressed in Book I is WHO OR WHAT AM I? The student gives all the standard answers…and they are all wrong. The lead character then realizes he is under the tutorage of no ordinary teacher and must apply himself in a quest for knowledge.
"The Beast" on this, and following pages, is taken from the initial writings by J.J. Dewey to the Keys of Knowledge discussion forum on the Internet. Eventually this became a chapter in The Unveiling which is an indepth, and totally unique explanation of the symbols and meaning of the book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible and the New Testament. From Amazon:
After almost 2000 years the key to understanding The Book of Revelation is finally manifest and it is not what you have been taught.First, it is important to understand common interpretations that are revealed to not be true. Among them are:
- The Beast is not a powerful Hitler type worldwide dictator.
- The mark of the beast has nothing to do with bar codes or a chip implanted in your hand or head.
- The letters to the seven churches have little to do with the seven churches.
- The two witnesses are not two prophets who will magically appear.
- When John said that the things in it will “shortly come to pass” he did not mean it would take 2000 years but he meant a short time just as we interpret the phrase.
The real meaning of the book is nothing like students have been taught but contains teachings in symbolic code disguised as an end of the world scenario to insure it would be included in the canon as we now have it. These teachings, previously hidden from view, tell the aspiring disciple how to tread the path that the Master has outlined. This is why the book was called the “Unveiling of Jesus Christ,” commonly mistranslated as "The Revelation of Jesus Christ" - or in short "The Book of Revelation."
Joseph J. DeweyJoseph J. (JJ) Dewey, born Feb 1945, has been a student of philosophy, metaphysics and the spiritual path most of his life and has taught numerous classes and seminars on a variety of avant-garde subjects.
In his trilogy of books in the Immortal series, the author draws from many true-life experiences to create novels that present unique and mystical teachings in a way that captivates the imagination. What is true and what is fiction? That is for the reader to determine. The trilogy consists of The Immortal, Books I & II in one volume, The Lost Key of the Buddha and Eternal Words.
A fourth Book called The Unveiling is available in the Kindle edition.
Joseph J. Dewey's books on Amazon